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    Balarampur Foundation

    Animal welfare in Rasulpanna

    Animal welfare in Rasulpanna

    In Rasulpanna, ensuring animal welfare, particularly for stray cows, became a pressing concern, especially when these cows reached the end of their productive years. With no designated means of sustenance, these cows resorted to feeding on crops, causing disruptions and challenges for the community. As the number of cows in cowsheds increased, so did the demand for proper food storage to provide sufficient nourishment. Taking responsibility for this issue, Balrampur Foundation intervened and set up a well-equipped godown that could store up to 50 quintals of feed stock. This proactive measure ensured that 169 cows received adequate and timely nourishment, mitigating the challenges related to stray cow welfare and contributing to the overall well-being of the animals in the region.

    Category : #Rural Development

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